A Message From Senate President, Troy Jackson:
Election Day is just two days away and with so much at stake, we need to make sure every single Mainer has an opportunity to cast their ballot this year.
I always remind folks to make a plan to vote. Make sure you figure out ahead of time where your polling location is and what time you plan on dropping by. And encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Where’s my polling place? With redistricting, some polling locations have changed this year. Be sure to double check so you know where to go on Election Day. Find your polling location at: www.voteinmaine.com/lookup
When should I vote? Polls close on Election Day at 8pm, so plan to arrive before then. So long as you’re at your polling place by 8pm, even if you’re waiting in line, you can still vote! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s always good to plan ahead just the same. Will you be voting before work? After you pick up the kids from school? On your lunch break? Make a plan and stick to it!
If you have any questions about voting this year, visit www.voteinmaine.com, give us a call at our voter hotline (833-336-8683), or email us at voting@mainedems.org.
Make your voice heard this year!
Troy Jackson
Maine Senate President