Chair: Joe Zamboni
1st Vice Chair: Meghan Casey
2nd Vice Chair: Nancy Green
Secretary: Angel Butts
Treasurer: Marcia Sullivan
This is a moderated website for the purpose of promoting the Cumberland County (Maine) Democratic Committee (CCDC), its candidates and programs. To that end, it offers a forum for constructive interchange among people interested in and supportive of efforts to further the Democratic Party and its principles.
We invite announcements, ideas, comments, and other communications consistent with those purposes.
We ask contributors to understand and adhere to reasonable limits on their electronic communications. This includes the avoidance of:
- offensive or intemperate language;
- animosity directed personally at other contributors, party or elected officials, or others of any stripe; and
- ideas and comments that are hostile to, or aim at undermining the purposes and work of, the CCDC.
Decisions to disallow communications will be made if, in the view of the official moderators and /or the Officers of the CCDC, those communications violate these standards.