Cumberland County Democratic Committee Bylaws
I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Cumberland County Democratic Committee.
II. Purpose
The purpose and object of the CCDC shall be to promote ideas and principles of the Democratic Party in Cumberland County, in the State of Maine and in the nation, through the election of duly nominated candidates; and by so doing aid our Government in the county, state and nation to function effectively as a true democracy and a government of and for the people.
III. Membership
At its biennial caucus, each municipality in the County shall elect two representatives to the CCDC, plus an additional representative for every 500 enrolled Democrats. The municipal delegation must be gender balanced as closely as possible. In addition, each municipal chairperson, and any CCDC officer or State Committee member who is not an elected municipal representative when assuming office, shall be a voting member of the CCDC. Each municipality may also elect up to two alternates, plus an additional alternate for every 1000 enrolled Democrats. Alternates may vote only to the extent that the full municipal delegation is not present.
Subsequent to the biennial caucus, the municipal chair or secretary of the caucus in each municipality shall send a list of delegates to the Secretary of the CCDC. If a representative is no longer eligible to represent a municipality, the municipal chair shall so notify the Secretary and inform him/her of any replacement representatives.
In addition, any Democrat registered to vote in Cumberland County, at a duly called CCDC meeting, may become a member of the Committee at that meeting via election by a majority vote of current members present. Members elected in this manner may not vote on any business before the Committee until the following duly called meeting. Prior to that subsequent meeting, the Secretary shall confirm the members residence and party affiliation.
IV. Proxies
In compliance with the rules of the Maine Democratic Party, proxies and voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any time.
V. Meetings
A. Regular
The CCDC shall meet at least once every quarter.
B. Additional and Special
Special meetings of the CCDC may be called by the Executive Committee and, in accordance with the Rules of the Democratic Party of Maine as amended from time to time, upon receipt of a written request signed by any five (5) CCDC members. The CCDC Chairperson shall, within thirty (30) days, call a special meeting to discuss only that business mentioned in the written request.
C. Notices
Written notice, which may be in electronic format, must be sent to all members at least two weeks before each regular or special meeting of the CCDC. In an emergency a special meeting may be called on seven days notice.
D. Quorum
Fifteen (15) members present, representing at least three municipalities, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, any action taken by the CCDC shall be effective if adopted by a vote of a majority of those members present and voting. AÂ majority vote to adjourn shall be effective regardless of the number present.
VI. Officers
The County Committee officers are the Chairperson, First and Second Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each officer shall perform, or delegate in an appropriate manner, all duties specified in these Bylaws, and is responsible for the proper performance of any duties shared with other officers or otherwise delegated.
VII. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of all CCDC officers and the chairs of the standing subcommittees. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority.
The Executive Committee may take necessary action by the following measures:
- All actions require a favorable vote of a majority of the entire Executive Committee;
- All votes shall be recorded by name; and
- A report shall be made to the next meeting of the CCDC.
VIII. Acting Officers
If for any reasons the office of Chairperson becomes vacant, or the Chairperson is absent or otherwise unable to serve, the First Vice-Chairperson shall serve as Acting Chairperson, or if the First Vice-Chairperson is also unavailable, the Second Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, or the Treasurer, in that order. If action by the Chairperson is necessary and no elected officer is able and willing to serve as Acting Chairperson, the CCDC (or between meetings the Executive Committee) shall elect an interim Acting Chairperson to serve until the emergency ends or the vacancy is filled.
The Chairperson shall appoint an Acting Secretary if the Secretary is not present at any time while official business is conducted at any meeting.
IX. Elections
Elections shall be conducted according to the following procedures:
A. Notice
The Chairperson shall notify the Secretary upon learning of any vacancy in any CCDC office or other elective post. The Secretary shall send notice to every member at least two weeks in advance of every election, explaining the time and place of the election and the posts to be filled. Notice of a special election to fill a vacancy in any CCDC office shall include notice that if the election results in a vacancy in another CCDC office, or in a State Committee position, an election for that position shall follow immediately.
B. Eligibility:
A candidate must be an enrolled Democrat in Cumberland County, as certified by the municipal clerk or the chair of the Municipal Democratic Committee.
C. Regular Elections:
All officers shall be elected at a regular meeting held in November or December of each even-numbered year, between the general election and the election of DSC officers.
D. Special Elections:
All mid-term vacancies to the State Committee shall be filled at the first meeting for which sufficient notice can be given, pursuant to Paragraph A.
E. Procedure:
All elections shall be conducted by the Chairperson, except that if the Chairperson or acting Chairperson is a candidate, the noncandidate next in the line of succession shall preside. In all elections where no candidate receives a majority of the vote, there shall be a run-off between the top two vote-getters.
F. Challenges:
Any ten members of the CCDC may petition with cause to challenge the validity of any election within two weeks thereafter. The challenge must be posted in the notice of the next CCDC meeting. If the committee by majority vote upholds the challenge, a new election shall be held at the next CCDC meeting. Otherwise, the results of the election shall stand. If the challenge is upheld the CCDC shall fill the disputed offices on an interim basis as provided for in these Bylaws.
X. Chairperson
The chairperson shall be the general executive officer of this Committee. The duties of the Chairperson shall include:
- To preside at all CCDC and Executive Committee meetings;
- To follow directives from the Maine Democratic State Committee regarding caucuses, the State convention and other statewide activities; and assist municipalities to hold a biennial caucus;
- To see that the chair of each municipality is reasonably notified of the number of delegates to be elected to attend the State Convention and to serve on the CCDC;
- To establish ad hoc committees, as needed, to address the interest and concerns of the CCDC;
- To be a voting member of all subcommittees;
- To attend all Maine Democratic State Committee and Caucus of County Chairs meetings or ensure that the First Vice-Chairperson attends; and
- To perform any other duties that the CCDC may assign.
XI. Vice-Chairpersons
A. First Vice-Chairperson
The duties of the First Vice-Chairperson shall be:
- To perform the duties of the Chairperson in his or her absence or disability;
- To be the designee, in the absence of the Chairperson, at the Maine Democratic State Committee and the Caucus of County Chairs meeting;
- To serve as the acting Chairperson if the Chairperson becomes permanently vacant, until an election for Chairperson is held;
- When assigned by the Chairperson to attend all subcommittee meetings or meetings and functions where the County Chairpersons attendance is required, expected or beneficial; and
- To perform any other duties that the CCDC may assign.
B. Second Vice-Chairperson
The duties of the Second Vice-Chairperson shall be:
- To act as the membership Chair of the CCDC;
- To maintain the membership list; and
- To perform any other duties that the CCDC may assign.
XII. Secretary
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
- To keep a complete and accurate record of all committee meetings, filing a duplicate copy with the Chairperson prior to the next meeting;
- To make available to any member of the CCDC for examination or copying any records of the meetings, and other records of the CCDC;
- To notify the Democratic State Committee in writing immediately upon election of any new officers; and
- To perform any other duties that the CCDC may assign.
XIII. Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
- To disburse funds of the CCDC as may be ordered or required by the Executive Committee in accordance with Article XIV;
- To keep full and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements;
- To deposit all CCDC funds in the name of the Cumberland County Democratic Committee in a Federally insured account;
- To provide quarterly written reports of the transactions and financial condition of the CCDC, and to provide an oral report at every CCDC meeting;
- To comply on a timely basis with all legal requirements relating to the receipt and disbursement of funds and reporting of transactions, including all filings to the State Election Commission; and
- To perform any other duties that the CCDC may assign.
XIV. Contraction for and Payment of Bills
All bills shall be itemized or accompanied by a statement that shall reasonably show exactly what they are designed to cover. No money shall be paid out by the Treasurer unless or until approved as follows:
- All expenditures of $100 or less must be approved by the Chairperson of the CCDC.
- All expenditures over $100 must be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee.
XV. Standing Subcommittees
The standing subcommittees of the CCDC are the Fund Raising Committee, the Program Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Anti-Racism & Inclusion Committee. Chairs of the standing subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the CCDC. The chairperson of each standing subcommittee shall serve on the Executive Committee. Subcommittee membership is open to all interested CCDC members.
A. Fund Raising Committee
The duties of this committee shall be:
- To develop an annual budget for the consideration of the Executive Committee;
- To develop a fund raising plan to meet the needs of the budget;
- To coordinate fund raising efforts to the CCDC; and
- To perform any other duties that the Executive Committee may assign.
B. Program Committee
The duties of this committee shall be:
- To plan programs and special events;
- To arrange for speakers at the regular CCDC meetings; and
- To perform any other duties that the Executive Committee may assign.
C. Communications Committee
The duties of this committee shall be:
- To arrange for publicity and dissemination of information in furtherance of the election of Democratic candidates for office and the interests of the CCDC and the Democratic Party;
- To publish newsletters, press releases, advertisements, and public announcements; and
- To perform any other duties that the Executive Committee may assign.
D. Anti-Racism & Inclusion Committee
The duties of this committee shall be:
- Ensure accountability of our CCDC leadership;
- To develop a plan that advances and promotes ongoing organizational change of the CCDC;
- To promote the representation of historically underrepresented groups in the membership and leadership of CCDC; and
- To actively invite and include individuals whose values align with those of the Maine Democratic Party.
XVI. Grievance Procedure
Grievances shall be signed by the complainant and brought in writing to the Executive Committee for disposition. Grievances must allege actions or incidents that have violated Maine State Party Rules or these Bylaws. If the disposition by the Executive Committee is not satisfactory to the complainant, then the complainant may petition the full CCDC to hold a meeting and adjudicate the complaint. The petition for such a meeting of the full CCDC must be signed by ten members of the CCDC.
XVII. Removal of Officers and Members
As long as they remain enrolled Democrats and residents of Cumberland County, members and officers may only be removed involuntarily during their terms of office for: working against the interests of the Democratic Party; acting in a manner harmful to the Democratic Party; or engaging in illegal acts. Removal requires action by two-thirds of the members present and voting, at a meeting of the CCDC with at least seven days advance notice, stating the grounds asserted for removal from office or membership. Officers may be removed from office only by the CCDC; members may be expelled by the CCDC or recalled by the Municipal Committee.
XVIII. Amending the Bylaws
Any amendment to these Bylaws shall be initiated by petition signed by at least ten members of the CCDC, one of whom is designated as the sponsor of the amendment. The petition shall be filed with the Secretary or Chairperson, and shall include the full text of the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment shall be distributed to the members two weeks before the meeting to vote on the amendment. The final text as sent to the membership shall be voted up or down. An amendment is effective immediately upon adoption, unless by its terms it specifies a later effective date.
Adopted 1992, Revised, 2009
Amended August 20, 2015