Upcoming CCDC Meeting June 26th

Greetings Cumberland County Dems:

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, June 26th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom). This email has lots of important information, forgive us for the length! 

Register using the registration link below. 

Register Here


1. Welcome
2. Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z.
3. Approval of the April Minutes – Secretary Angel B. 
4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.
5. Guest Speaker – Ben W.
6. Upcoming Events & Dates – Marc M. from MDP
7. Municipal Committee Report & Local Organizing Events –Rachel H., Scarborough Chair
8. Check-In with the Coordinated Campaign Field Organizer – Noah L.
9. Chair ReportsAnti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D.(Introduction) Program Committee Chair – Jay10. District Attorney Candidate – TBD
11. Election of State Committee Representatives (Multiple Seats Available)
12. Election of New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
13. New Business
Local Organizing Meetings
 6/15/22 – 7/15/22

Local Organizing Meetings (LOMs) are this year’s alternative to caucuses. While COVID prevented us from caucusing, and we were able to complete some of our caucus business online, there is still some local business we need to complete in live meetings. LOMs will be our way of doing the important organizing and strengthening of Municipal Committees. Learn more about LOMs by attending our CCDC General Meeting above, contacting your municipal Chair, or by clicking here

Run For State Committee!

Want to represent Cumberland County on the Democratic State Committee (DSC)? We still have seats available. You can run from the floor at the next CCDC General Meeting on June 26th. 

The Maine Democratic Party is Hiring!

Maine Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign Voter Protection Director
Maine Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign Regional Field Directors
Maine Democratic Party Development Director
Maine Democratic Party Development Assistant
Maine Democratic Party Municipal Organizer
Maine Democratic Party Field Organizers
Senate Democratic Campaign Committee (SDCC) Regional Field Directors