CCDC General Meeting Details February

Greetings Cumberland County Dems!

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting now scheduled for Sunday, February 20th 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom). This email has lots of important information, forgive us for the length!

Register Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please join the meeting early to assist us in preparing for a vote (you need to be in the meeting by 3:00 so that we can prepare for voting).

  1. Welcome
    1. Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Acting Chair
    2. Approval of the December Minutes – Secretary
    3. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer
  2. Upcoming Events – Caucus & Convention
  3. Welcome & Statement from Rep. Jim Boyle
  4. Municipal Committee Report
  5. Proposed Amendment to the CCDC Bylaws & Vote (more information below)
  6. Elections of CCDC Officers (more information below) (notice)
  7. Review of Previously Approved CCDC Facebook Policy
  8. Review of Proposed Public CCDC Information & Vote
  9. Upcoming Listening Session (more information below)
  10. Election of New General Membership
  11. Candidates Introductions – Time Limited
  12. New Business

Want more information? Keep reading – we have more details are below!

As always, feel free to reach out to us at or with your questions, comments, or concerns. Or, to tell us you want to get more involved!

Joe Zamboni, CCDC Acting Chair

Calling all Democrats: Be A State Delegate!

Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, the Caucus and Convention process will be a bit different this year. Elections that normally occur at Caucuses will happen online and State Delegates can sign up for that important volunteer role now (you can even nominate yourself). Delegates will be able to participate at the Democratic State Convention in May either in-person or virtually!

Delegates will make important decisions about the Party’s issue platform, rules, and who serves on our leadership committee at the Democratic State Convention in May.

Learn More and Sign Up Here

Nominations for State Delegate are open through February 20 and online voting will take place from February 27 through March 6. Don’t delay! Participation is open to all Maine Democrats.

More Information Regarding CCDC Officer Elections

 The roles of CCDC Chair, Vice-Chair, and 2nd Vice-Chair are currently open! These roles, especially in election years, are incredibly important (and can be time-consuming too). These positions are also part of the CCDC Executive Committee – the decision-making body of CCDC in between General Membership meetings. The Executive Committee meets roughly every two weeks. You do not need to be a present member of the CCDC to run, but you do need to be registered as a Democrat in Cumberland County. If any of these opportunities sound like a role you could take on, feel free to let us know in advance, and send us a short biography that we will distribute to membership prior to the next meeting. Nominations will also be taken from the floor on February 20th. We will also elect a representative to the State Committee from Cumberland. 

*Additional notice – If any election results in a vacancy in another CCDC office, an election for that position shall follow immediately.

You can read more about the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair, and 2nd Vice-Chair at the CCDC Bylaws Page.

More Information Regarding CCDC Bylaws: Amendment Proposal & Vote

We have before us a proposal to amend the CCDC Bylaws. Any amendment to the Bylaws must be initiated by petition and signed by at least ten members of the CCDC. This proposal, initiated by our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, would create a permanent CCDC Anti-Racism & Inclusion Committee (becoming our 4th CCDC Standing Committee). According to the Bylaws, this proposal needs to be simply voted up or down at our meeting, modification is not permitted.

Read the Proposed Bylaw Amendment Here 

More Information Regarding CCDC Listening Session

We discussed and have planned a CCDC Executive Team “Listening Session” so that CCDC members can have a forum to speak to the Executive Committee directly about how our committee can be more effective and strategic, moving forward. Please join us Sunday, March 13, from 4:00 – 5:00 PM using the registration link below. This Listening Session will be a few weeks after our February General Membership meeting (so that the newly elected officers can attend), and provide a forum for folks to express ideas, proposals, and suggestions for a bluer county. Please consider joining us and sharing your important ideas for a bluer county in 2022.

Register Here