April 25th 3-5 PM CCDC Meeting via zoom
1) Natalie Kelliher, CCDC Secretary, resigned, so there will be an election to replace her. Secretary needs to attend the bi-monthly (every other month) membership meetings and take minutes. Secretary is also on the CCDC Executive Committee. Exec Comm has been meeting every-other week for no longer than two hours, usually less, to look at what CCDC is doing and needs to do. Exec Comm meetings will likely stay remote even when we are back to normal. If this seems like a job you’d like to do you can let me know in advance and I will circulate a short biography for you (that you need to write yourself) ahead of April 25 so members get to know you. Or you can make up your mind the day of the meeting – nominations will be taken at the meeting.
2) There will be elections for representatives from Cumberland County to the Maine Democratic Party Platform (13) and Credentials (1) Committees. These Committees do work in preparation for and at the 2022 MDP Convention. More information will be coming about those roles.
3) There will be local elections for many things in June. We hope to have many of the Democrats running for those positions in Cumberland County with us to tell us what they are running for and how we can help.
4. Senator Carhy Breen and Representative Stephen Moriarty will give us an update on the current Legislative session and answer questions.
Only established CCDC members will be allowed to vote. If you are not sure if you are a voter you can check with your town Democratic Party Chair, or with Seth Berner. If you know that you are not yet a voter it is easy to become one – just attend a CCDC meeting, at the end say that you would like to be voted in as a member. Once I confirm that you are a registered Democrat living in Cumberland County you will be eligible to vote at the following meeting.
Please register by 2 PM on Sunday even if you don’t plan to joint the meeting until 3 PM. That will give us some time to address the ballots before they are needed. Each voter needs a separate email address. If a couple or group wishes to join the meeting together, each voter must register separately with the separate address since that is used to validate ballots.
This meeting will also be simulcast on YouTube for those not voting:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWOFFmufxG2Scv2tDgLOB0A/live
Zoom Invitation:
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 25, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
1. Approve Agenda and appoint temporary Secretary – 2 minutes – 3:02
2. Approve last-meeting’s minutes – 2 minutes – 3:04
3. Treasurer’s Report – 3 minutes – 3:07
4. Election of CCDC Secretary – 8 minutes – 3:15
5. Election of Platform Committee members – 20 minutes – 3:35
6. Election of Credentials Committee member – 5 minutes – 3:40
7. Democratic Candidate presentations – 20 minutes – 4:00
8. Legislative Update with Cathy Breen and Steve Moriarty – 40 minutes – 4:40
9. CCDC DEI Committee update – 10 minutes – 4:50
10. Announcements/ New Business – 10 minutes – 5:00