Rally in Lewiston!

Monday, November 7 at 5pm, Dufresne Plaza, 72 Lisbon Street, Lewiston.

It’s time to get out the vote! Join Governor Mills and the Maine Dems in Lewiston for a rally the night before Election Day.

We’ll hear about the stakes of this election and why it’s so important to make sure our families, friends, and neighbors get out and VOTE!


A Message From Senate President, Troy Jackson:

Election Day is just two days away and with so much at stake, we need to make sure every single Mainer has an opportunity to cast their ballot this year.

I always remind folks to make a plan to vote. Make sure you figure out ahead of time where your polling location is and what time you plan on dropping by. And encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Where’s my polling place? With redistricting, some polling locations have changed this year. Be sure to double check so you know where to go on Election Day. Find your polling location at: www.voteinmaine.com/lookup

When should I vote? Polls close on Election Day at 8pm, so plan to arrive before then. So long as you’re at your polling place by 8pm, even if you’re waiting in line, you can still vote! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s always good to plan ahead just the same. Will you be voting before work? After you pick up the kids from school? On your lunch break? Make a plan and stick to it!

If you have any questions about voting this year, visit www.voteinmaine.com, give us a call at our voter hotline (833-336-8683), or email us at voting@mainedems.org.

Make your voice heard this year!


Troy Jackson
Maine Senate President

Portland GOTV

The Portland GOTV staging location is OPEN

The Portland GOTV staging location is OPEN and needs YOU!

We’re fired up to re-elect Janet Mills, Chellie Pingree, and maintain our Democratic majorities in the State House and we need your help to get out the vote all over Portland.

Shifts today at 12, 3, and 5 pm. Sunday and Monday at 9am, 12pm, and 2pm. Tuesday 8am, 12pm, and 4pm.

Register via the link below and bring two friends!


General Meeting Sunday; Voter Event Monday!

The election is quickly approaching and the Cumberland County Democratic Committee is working hard to get out the vote!

Please consider visiting us this coming Monday, October 24th, at USM’s Abromson Center in Portland (aka Hannaford Hall)The Cumberland County Democrats, along with other groups, will be having a reception with food, drinks, and a chance to mix and mingle with some of our awesome candidates as we head into the final weeks of the election. You can find us there from 5:30 – 9:30 PM on the second floor (the balcony).

We will be handing out amazing CCDC T-shirts that say, “We Won’t Go Back!” as well as our awesome reusable tote bags. Come get some great campaign swag and say hello to the County Committee! You can also feel free to leave your campaign information with us for our table as well. 

Also, if you are a Portland resident, the Portland City Dems are providing a panel discussion on Portland’s proposed Charter Amendments and Referendum in the auditorium at 7:30.  

A REMINDER too, that this Sunday, October 23rd, is our CCDC General Meeting. Shenna Bellows will join us!!! Along with Aubrey Powers from MDP, and Garrett Martin, from the Maine Center for Economic Policy! We hope to see you there. 

You can register using the registration link below.

And, keep up the hard work!

Upcoming CCDC General Meeting

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 23rd from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom).

You can register using the registration link below.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of Chair’s Agenda & Chair’s Report – Chair Joe Z.
  3. Approval of the August Minutes – Secretary Angel B.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.
  5. Featured Speaker: Aubrey Powers
  6. Upcoming Events & Important Dates – Marc M. from MDP
  7. Municipal Committee Report
  8. Check-In with the Coordinated Campaign Field Organizer – Noah L.
  9. Chair Reports
    • Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D.
    • Program Committee Chair – Jay
  10. Cumberland County Registrar of Probate
  11. Election of a State Committee Member
  12. Election of New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
  13. New Business

Join Us This Weekend

Hi friends-

Keep in mind as the weekend approaches – there are lots of ways to connect with others and get involved:

You can come see us at Portland’s First Friday on Congress Street tomorrow!

You can join us in Bridgton Saturday morning at 9:00 for a Roadside Rally

You can visit us with our Oxford friends at the Fryberg Fair on Saturday & Sunday

You can do Door-to-Door Canvassing at 20+ Locations Across Maine (multiple times and dates) Find the opportunity closest to you and sign up here!

You can do phone banking with the Maine Dems: Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (multiple times available) Sign up here!

Join us and make a difference!

Join Us In Bridgton on Saturday, October 8th

It’s October and it’s time to get out on the streets to show our
support for state and local Maine Democratic candidates and





(Main St./Rt. 302 and Highland Rd.)


Public parking lots on Highland Rd.
(opposite the town landing and the park)
Signs provided or bring your own

Cumberland County Fair!

Hi Cumberland County Dems!

Just a reminder that we will be at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds this week!

Governor Mills will hopefully make an appearance on opening day, tomorrow, Sunday September 25th.

If you would like to volunteer to help keep our table staffed throughout the week, please reach out to cumberlandcountydems@gmail.com with available times.

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