Author: admin
2020 Caucuses
March 8 Caucus: We now have the schedule for caucus times and locations in Cumberland County. Check out the MDP website
You will find your caucus there. You can also pre-register. Then come
to the CCDC meeting on Feb. 23 to find out what you can expect at the
caucus and to get ready for the virtual rally on March 8.
Reminder – the term of membership for the Cumberland County Democratic
Committee runs from caucus to caucus. That means, at the March 8
caucus, your towns will be electing new delegates. If you want to be a
delegate, make sure you run. If you run and lose, you can still become
a delegate by coming to a CCDC meeting and asking to become an
at-large member.
101 Years of Activism: Celebrating Strong Women in Politics and Community
Would you be willing to contribute to open offices in Cumberland County so we can send moving vans to the White House and Senator Collins’ offices in 2020? Well, here’s a teaser. There will be a fundraiser on April 7, 6-8, at the Rising Tide Brewery. The theme is 101 Years of Activism: Celebrating Strong Women in Politics and Community. We will be honoring Frances Perkins and women who have followed in her footsteps to bring progressive change to Maine. Click title for details and to purchase tickets.
CCDC Quarterly Meeting
Feb. 23, 3:00 – 5:00pm
Spruce Room
Westbrook Community Center
Bridge St., Westbrook
Doors will open at 2:30. All Democrats welcome.
Brief business meeting
Primary and caucus process demystified. We’ve had many questions about the difference. Should I go to both? If I only go to one, which one should it be? Why should I go to the caucus if I’ve already voted? If I go, what are the activism options available? We’ll be ready to walk you through the connection between the primary and the caucus and from the caucus to the convention.
CCDC Quarterly Meeting
December 8th, 3:00 – 5:00pm
CCDC Quarterly Meeting
Westbrook Community Center, Spruce Room, 426 Bridge St.
Doors will open at 2:30. All Democrats welcome.
We will be joined by representatives from activist organizations in Cumberland County and talk about our roles in the 2020 campaign.
Short business meeting.
Election of a female representative to the DSC to fill out term expiring end of May, 2020.
Election of a secretary for the CCDC.
CCDC Quarterly Meeting
Sept. 29, 3:00 – 5:00pm
CCDC Quarterly Meeting
Westbrook Community Center, Spruce Room, 426 Bridge St.
Doors will open at 2:30. All Democrats welcome.
Brief business meeting
Report and listening session – CCDC representatives on the Platform Committee
Election of 3 additional members to the Platform Committee
Election of CCDC secretary
Review of the visual opinion poll at the Cumberland County Fair (Legislators take note.)
DSC and Caucus update
As time permits – introduction of candidates in the audience
Cumberland County Democratic Picnic
This year’s Cumberland County Democratic picnic will be held on July 14th at 2:00 (rain date July 28th) at Kiwanis Beach in Standish. There will be plenty of food on hand for vegetarians, vegans, and carnivores.
Also will we hold our pie auction. You will have a chance to bid on the best home made pies and desserts in Cumberland County.
Of course there will be candidates and elected officials there as well.
We will be looking for people to sponsor the picnic. Details to follow. [Soon, it is hoped! – Editor]
CCDC Picnic
Cumberland County Democratic Committee Meeting
CCDC meeting: June 23, 2:30 – 5:00 (please note the earlier time slot). Teamsters Hall, 27 Main St., South Portland.
On the agenda: Brief business meeting and reports.
Election of 11 Cumberland County delegates to the Platform Committee. Each candidate will have between 1 and 3 minutes for a speech, depending on the number of candidates running. We are required to try to achieve gender balance on our platform delegation as we are for our delegation to the DSC. Candidates who are interested in running may send a statement (150 word maximum) to Tim Goodwin, ( with a copy to by 5:00pm, June 14 [I’ll accept them up to the time I publish on Monday – thg]. These statements will be posted on the CCDC website on Monday, June 17. There may also be nominations from the floor, but nominators are asked to ensure their candidates have actually agreed to serve.
Election of one representative to the Democratic State Committee to fill out the term, which expires at the 2020 Convention. Candidates may also send in a statement using the guidelines for the Platform Committee. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting.
Pete Didisheim, NRCM, and Ben Dudley, NECEC, will be on hand to talk about the proposed transmission line from different perspectives. We will start that panel at 4:00pm and follow with a Q&A. The meeting will end at 5:00.
Just a reminder – our meetings are open to all Democrats. Someone does not have to be a voting committee member to run for one of the open positions; they just can’t vote for themselves.
The Cumberland County Democratic committee and the Portland Democratic City Committee will host a fund raising Bowl-a-thon on April 24 between 6 and 9 PM at the 33 Elmwood in Westbrook.
Both committees will compete to see how much money they can raise from their members striking down pins in a game of bowling. Bowlers will gather pledges based on the number of pins they will knock down. For example a pledge 10 cents a pin will raise $9.
In addition this will be a great way to meet fellow Democratic activists from Portland and Cumberland County.
33 Elmwood is located just off Route 302 near Prides Corners.
Even if you don’t get pledges come and socialize. For more information contact Harlan Baker at